火龙果习语站 | Back to the Drawing Board

编辑:火龙果写作        日期:2020-09-11


今天给大家介绍的习语是back to the drawing board.

Back to the Drawing Board表示从头再来

一位画家正坐在阳台上画夕阳西下的美景,就在他去倒杯茶的功夫,他养的猫Kitty跳到画板上把颜料洒了一地,快要完成的画作就此报废。没办法,画家只能back to the drawing board,重新开始画。

Back to the drawing board表示由于中途出现了某些意外而不得不重新开始做某件事,剑桥词典对这个习语的定义是:Back to the beginning of a process to start it again, because it is not working.


If the predictions are completely wrong, then it is back to the drawing board.


If that referendum produces a “no” vote, realistically the treaty will be dead and it will be back to the drawing board.


It looks like my plans to kill the weeds in the garden failed. Back to the drawing board.


根据上面的例子,back to the drawing board可以单独使用,也可以成为句子的一部分,比如be/get back to the drawing board。在使用场景方面,back to the drawing board往往用于需要多次尝试才能找到正确方法的事物,或者比较困难的事物以至于要经历若干次失败。

Back to the Drawing Board的出处

1941年Peter Arno为《纽约客》杂志画了一幅漫画。漫画中,许多军人奔向坠毁的飞机,只有飞机设计师夹着设计图走开,漫画下方的标题是“Well, back to the old drawing board”,意思是“好吧,回到旧的画板去吧(只能重新开始设计了)”。自此以后,back to the drawing board就被广泛用来比喻设计失败需要重新设计。

1947年,这个表述已经出现在美国报纸Walla Walla Union-Bulletin上:"Grid injuries for the season now closing suggest anew that nature will get back to the drawing board, as the human knee is not only nothing to look at but also a piece of bum engineering."


最后,我们对习语back to the drawing board的意义和用法做一个总结:



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