火龙果习语站 | Bite the Bullet

编辑:火龙果写作        日期:2020-09-07

英语中的习语 (idioms)就像汉语中的成语一样,使用恰当时能更饱满地传达情绪,生动地表达含义,也让对方感到更加熟悉地道。和成语类似,很多英语习语并不能简单地望文生义,需要熟悉习语的含义和用法。


今天给大家介绍的习语是bite the bullet

Bite the Bullet表示硬着头皮做

Bite是“咬”,bullet是“子弹”,因此bite the bullet就是“咬住子弹”的意思。等等,“咬住子弹”又是什么意思呢?习语就是这种隐喻意思和表面意思差别巨大的表达,实际上,bite the bullet的意思是“硬着头皮做”。剑桥词典对它的释义是:To force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a difficult situation. 当你遇到不高兴的或很困难的事情,又不得不做时,就可以用bite the bullet表达“硬着头皮做某事,不情愿地做某事”。下面看几个例句:

I hate going to the dentist, but I’ll just have to bite the bullet.


I decided I had to bite the bullet and take a couple of math classes even though I knew they were hard.


It is difficult to break up with someone you care about, but our relationships are just getting worse. Telling her is going to be painful but I’m just going to have to bite the bullet.


Bite the Bullet的出处

Bite the bullet和中文的“咬紧牙关”比较相似,而且在语境上也比较相同,想象一下,咬着子弹不就是咬紧牙关吗?那么,为什么bite the bullet会是“硬着头皮做”这个意思呢?这个习语第一次出现记录是在Rudyard Kipling于1891出版的小说The Light that Failed中:

“Steady, Dickie, steady!” said the deep voice in his ear, and the grip tightened. “Bite on the bullet, old man, and don't let them think you're afraid.”

而更早的可能和战争有关。在那个年代麻药还没有广泛普及,于是动手术造成的疼痛一般人就无法忍受,为了挺过手术带来的痛苦,医生会让患者在嘴中咬着一个子弹(为什么是子弹呢,可能是子弹不会咬坏,而且咬子弹对人牙齿的损伤也不大)以挺过这段时间。早在1796年,Francis Grose在他的书A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue中就有描述:

“A soldier who, as the term is, sings out at the halberts. It is a point of honour in some regiments, among the grenadiers, never to cry out, or become nightingales, whilst under the discipline of the cat of nine tails; to avoid which, they chew a bullet.”

从这个意思上解释,bite the bullet引申为“硬着头皮,咬紧牙关”也就不奇怪了。



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